Retro Truthiness

Monday, May 22, 2006

Yay Guns!

According to a 1967 publication from the Department of Agriculture, the "Safe Use of Firearms..." leads to:
- Good sport
- Good exercise
- Relaxation
- Tests skill
- Develops companionship
- Gives pride of accomplishment
- May provide food
I'm glad they agree with me! While playing with guns only OCCASIONALLY provides me with food, it always relaxes me. And of course, nobody loves me like my gun does!
They also suggest that "Alcohol and gunpowder don't mix!"
Well of course, sillies! Gunpowder isn't soluble is it?
Just a reminder: You should always always always "Keep Children, Guns, and Ammunition Apart". I recommend keeping them in their own rooms. Putting your kids' bedroom between the gun room and the ammo room is probably the best idea. I mean, they won't be able to be in two places at once!
Now, shall we review the breakdown of 173 home firearm fatalities?
Playing with gun: 49
Examining or demonstrating gun: 25
Cleaning or repairing gun: 22
Russian roulette: 11
Picking up or setting down gun: 9
Loading or unloading gun: 9
Tripping or falling with guns: 7
Scuffling for possession of gun: 5
I know what you are all thinking... Did the number of victims of Russian Roulette go up or down after the release of the Deer Hunter? I don't know, but I think the stats are obviously out there. Thus begins the first "Retro Truthiness" big fabulous prize giveaway! If you can tell me the number of victims of Russian Roulette before and after the release of the Deer Hunter and explain the relationship between those numbers, YOU WIN!*
Oh but the fun with stats isn't over!

"Of 7,530 hunting casualties reported to the National Rifle Association, the following were the 12 major causes of the accidents:
Victim of out of sight shooter: 1,075
Victim covered by shooter swinging on game: 827
Shooter stumbled and fell: 714
Victim mistaken for game: 655
Victim moved into line of fire: 429
Trigger caught on brush or other object: 331
Removing weapon from or placing in vehicle: 291
Ricochet: 278
Defective weapon: 274
Weapon fell from insecure rest: 224
Riding in vehicle with loaded weapon: 223
Crossing fence or other obstacle with loaded weapon: 216"

(Quotes and stats taken from "Keep Your Sights on Safety- 24th National Farm Safety Week, July 23-29, 1967" issued by the Department of Agriculture)

*Void where prohibited. Not everyone will win. You must not be present to win. Prizes are not yet chosen thus will be carefully selected upon your victory.


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