Retro Truthiness

Friday, May 19, 2006

And what EXACTLY is this Retro Truthiness of which you speak?

It's very very simple really. I am working in a government depository library this summer. A very large part of my job is doing what we library sorts call "Retro Work". What this means is that I get to dig through the card catalog, pull the corresponding documents off the shelf, and find a record so that it can be put online and is then searchable through the fancy shmancy library website. This also means that I get to look at things that no one has cared about for nearly a century (as is evidenced by the fact that they haven't been touched for decades). This also means that I get to absorb the fantastic forgotten knowledge of the government, ie. Retro Truthiness. Big Brother "tells it like it is". And because I'm positive that this information is going to be helpful to others, I'm going to share it with all of you. Really, who knows better than The Man?


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